Sunday, September 19, 2010

Through The Lens

Nairobi is a city with many blessings: cool weather, paved roads, elephants that drink from a bottle, and, of course, free "high" speed internet. Feeling fortuitous at having the latterest of these blessings I've decided to seize the moment and post a few of the more exciting sights that I've managed to catch on film (but not really since everything is digital these days). When you weed out the 9000 other pictures I've taken I actually look like I half decent photographer...

Dancing Machine. My host brother Memusi (Masai for “surprise”). You may be able to find a dancer with more talent, but not with more enthusiasm.

Hitch Hikers. We almost stopped to pick up these two clean shaven travelers but sped off after spotting their three shady friends hiding in the bushes. Never let your guard down here.

Colobus Monkey. This Loitokitok resident steps out into the cool morning air to collect the morning paper. Seconds later, upon realizing that paper delivery is non-existent in this region, he began to throw projectiles that are better not discussed in such a public domain.

The Beautiful Night Sky. A midnight breeze blows a cool wind across my aching shoulders, carrying the distant, sand person-like cries of a donkey on the air as I snap this photo of the Milky Way while doing my best to hold perfectly still.

If you've ever wondered who can attract more attention, a US Ambassador or a monkey, you need only look at this photo to learn the answer. At least this little guy seems to be listening.

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