Friday, July 13, 2012

Even Monkeys Fall From Trees

With just under a week left of Peace Corps service remaining two facts have made themselves apparent to me: 1) Two years can go by in the blink of an eye, and 2) the speed at which that time passes accelerates exponentially the farther behind in blogging one falls (I came up with a formula and everything). In a move that will doubtlessly disappoint my legions of undying fans, I’m sorry to announce that this is going to be my last blog post from Kenya. Over the years (both of them) there were countless happenings, mis-happenings, and near mis-happenings which ended just being happenings in the end. Through all these happening variations there were volumes of adventures that I wanted to share but just never got around to it, so from here on out we’ll just have to wait until we see one another to play catch up on all those missing blog posts. Some of the stories I started writing up but never finished include:

Practical jokes gone wrong: The clothes thief
The disappearing ATM card and the budget crisis of 2011
Traffic jam in Nairobi
Hey, lighten up man: The bitterness of foreigners
The look
Water free farming
Bargaining tactics: How to get the best price (spoiler alert: breaking merchandise and bartering with surgery are not off limits)
Changing a tire village style
Kilimanjaro: How does a Frisbee (direct Swahili translation: the plate game) fly at 19,341 feet?
Peace Corps survival techniques: Being lost in a foreign city
Treating patients at 30,000 feet
The sound of Cairo praying
Do you know how much: The Egyptian sales pitch
That flight doesn’t exists: Close calls in travel

Of course two years doesn’t pass anyone by idly, so I expect all of you to have your own stories to share when we meet again. Till then...